Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My Blog's teaching possibilities...

Hello all!!!!
These are my thoughts for the week :)
Blogging gives us teachers an excellent tool to teach students with different learning styles because is an interactive platform that uses all kind of elements (images, audio, writing...) so it engache students and encourage them to create a friendly lerner community as they share, participate, comment, and also allows them to be active throughout the cource period.
The way I think my blog can be useful as a teaching tool is to use it as a communication space with students, helping them improve different competencies and skills such as:
Reading and Writing:
As homework I can ask students to post in the blog all kind of written asignments to complete their learning process after teaching some topic at the classroom like
-Write 10 sentences using and specific tense.
-Read the following sentences and change them to questions.
-Write a short(long) compositions about the story read today in the classroom...
-Post your comments or reflexions about the lessons, etc.
Speaking/Listening and comprehension:
I still don't know how to do it, but I think it's possible to upload podcast and videos to a blog, so I could ask students to reach these resources to watch and/or listen to them so they improve both Auditory and visual competencies....
Then I also can ask them to finish the video and/or audio activity with any writing task.
I could also ask students to present some homework creating videos and/or audios (podcast)posting them on the blog.
-Students can learn at any time and place (distant learning) and as a teacher I can check and correct students homework same way (distant working)
-Helps students to perceive learning process more interesting in an informal environment
-Allows other people to participate making more valuable the lerning process by sharing this others ideas
-Helps people to enrich their vocabulary
The only one I can think of is that teachers we may need enough time to keep our blogs frecuently updated...
Well, that's all for now, see you soon!!!


  1. Hi Ileana,
    I loved your posts for they were very much teaching oriented. Kudos for achieving that.

  2. Hi Ileana,
    Congratulations on beginning this program, and good luck!

    I think technology is changing teaching in important ways, well, really, it has changed everything!

    My niece is 20 years old and attends the University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire. She shared with me that one of the required tools of classes these days is a "clicker," a type of remote control that students use to respond to quizzes in the classroom. She explained that it has choices A through E, the professor posts a quiz on a screen, and the students point and click their answers. Each student's answers are recorded in a database and checked against the key that the professor has uploaded into the database.

    I think there are two positives in this example: 1)What an incredible amount of time the professor saves in checking their work! The technology makes validating students' work much more efficient, so the professor can focus more on planning lessons, one-on-one tutoring, etc. 2) The student can receive more immediate feedback on their progress. Because their work is processed electronically and scores sent automatically to their emails, students know right away the areas they need to focus on to improve.

    A third and probably unintended positive is the amount of resources this saves -- think of how much paper is saved in a class of 100 students when quizzes are digitized, how much ink, how much time in front of a copy machine, etc. It's incredible!

    The "clicker," like blogs and other on-line tools, is a great example of how technology can impact the classroom for both teachers and students. I'll be sure to keep an eye on your blog to see how technology impacts your learning experience.

    Take care!

  3. Amy: I like the information you shared!!! When were we going to imagine devices as such "clicker" will be invented??? You are so right about all it's advangages both for the student and the teacher, and also for the environment...
    Hope to hear from you soon!!!
